Sunday, June 30, 2013

One leg down one to go

On June 10, I saw the foot doc and he said I could do away with my brace. Physical therapy was going well and I was really feeling good about things. As a matter of fact my left foot felt better then it has since I broke it.

The following Wednesday I could hardly walk on my right leg with excruciating pain just under and to the inside of my right knee. So on Thursday when I saw my physical therapist I asked her about it and she said most likely it's a bursa inflammation. So now that I've done some research I need to rest this leg, ice it and wait for about four weeks for it to heel.

As of today Sunday, June 30 all is well. My bursitis is settled and I'm feeling really good about my foot. I still have to be careful and when doing anything new take it slow, but physical therapy visits are over and I am doing therapy on my own. I couldn't be happier.

Thanks to all for your good wishes and prayers. I know they helped.