Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Visited the doc on Monday. More ex-rays and everything is looking good. He wants my physical therapist to wean me off my boot and into a lovely brace. I'll show pictures later. I've been wearing regular shoes in the house in the evening for the past couple of days. I just am soooo very tired of all of this.
Physical therapy started today. The therapist measured my flexibility. With my foot flexed I scored a 6 she'd like to get me to 10, but said this number is very good. The side to side is not so hot, but I knew that would be the case with this surgery. I see her again Thursday and will bring my brace and new shoes so I can start wearing those. Oh joy!
Also, today I went to the dentist for a crown. I didn't realize I also need a crown extension. They started the extension today which include two stitches in my gum. This a going to be about a month long process. Ouch!
I am literally aching from head to toe. I might have to take an oxycontin to get through the night. We'll see.
As they say, "if it isn't one thing.....

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tiny Tim Time

Saw the doc on Wednesday and he says everything looks really good. The two bones have fused properly and I can now get physical therapy. My torture angels as I call them. Doc suggested I could use one crutch--thus the title of this blog--. It scared me at first, but...

Called two therapists and one does water therapy. I'm waiting to hear from the second and then I'll decide. Might need to call the doctor to see if water therapy is ok.

Foot is very sore still and doc gave me a gel pad for my heal to help with comfort. It helps a little. Spent Saturday before Easter in Annapolis and my foot was swollen, red and very sore that night. I needed my gel pack and pain meds. The next few days it seemed very red to me and I wondered about another infection. However, the past few days it's felt pretty good. So good that I am walking mostly without my crutches.

The weather is finally cooperating, so today I went down the deck stairs without crutches. Walked around the yard a bit and sat on the swing, reading and watching Bob do yard work. Someone has to supervise, right? The sun feels wonderful and is good for my mental health. I sooooooo want this over it brings me down at times.

Another three weeks in the boot and then I'll be buying new shoes. I'll wait to see what the therapist recommends, but have a few cushy ones picked out at different sites.

Keep saying those Hail Mary's they are helping and I still have a ways to go.