Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Visited the doc on Monday. More ex-rays and everything is looking good. He wants my physical therapist to wean me off my boot and into a lovely brace. I'll show pictures later. I've been wearing regular shoes in the house in the evening for the past couple of days. I just am soooo very tired of all of this.
Physical therapy started today. The therapist measured my flexibility. With my foot flexed I scored a 6 she'd like to get me to 10, but said this number is very good. The side to side is not so hot, but I knew that would be the case with this surgery. I see her again Thursday and will bring my brace and new shoes so I can start wearing those. Oh joy!
Also, today I went to the dentist for a crown. I didn't realize I also need a crown extension. They started the extension today which include two stitches in my gum. This a going to be about a month long process. Ouch!
I am literally aching from head to toe. I might have to take an oxycontin to get through the night. We'll see.
As they say, "if it isn't one thing.....

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