Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Removal of Final Hard Cast

Saw the doc on Wednesday, 3-13-13 and had my hard cast removed. Ex-rays show the healing is going well, but there is still some fusion that hasn't totally taken. It's going in the right direction just not ready for me to put pressure on the foot yet. Soooooo, two weeks in a boot with no pressure then in the third week I can slowly begin walking on my foot. After the third week another visit to the doc and start physical therapy.

I still have quite a bit of numbness around the incision and my heel. The area around my ankle is very tight as well, but I remember the feeling from when I broke my foot. I'm to make the ABC's with my foot twice a day and use it to balance only, no pressure yet. The muscles and tendons are waking up and the foot is a bit sore and tingly. I still have quite a bit of numbness near the main incision and on the top of my foot. I'm hopeful that will go away with time.

I took some pictures of Jose taking off my cast. Just to show how its done if you've not seen it before.

Took a shower shaved my legs. Also used a pumice stone on my foot, but still have skin coming off. Every time I take my sock off flakes fall. At the incision site of the screws the scab was so thick it still had sutures in it. Interesting. I'll be cleaning up my foot gradually for awhile I think.

Not happy I can't walk on the foot, but I know I must let it heal completely and am very thankful for the boot. Much easier to sleep and it's nice to be able to take off the boot every now and then.

Using the saw
Cutting the bandages

Pulling off

The large incision

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