Monday, June 13, 2011

Fibula--you've got to be kidding

So my next hurdle in my recovery seems to be my fibula. This is a small bone that runs from your knee area and forms your outside ankle. Mine is like a red hot poker and bee sting all in one, right in the ankle area. Not all the time, but mostly after physical therapy.

Don't get me wrong I love my physical therapist. The problem is I was feeling soo much better. I haven't had pain like this since the first few weeks after the accident. I know it's all part of the process, but I really am literally taking two steps forward and one step back. At least that's what it feels like.

I am very thankful to my friend Lisa--she's a physical therapist in another county--for giving me a gel ice pack I can wrap around my foot. It really helps. ;)

Going down stairs is the hardest and at this point I turn my injured foot side ways and step down with my good foot. One step at a time. I just don't have the flexion in that foot. Sometimes I feel like my leg is doing all the work.

I took Tad to pt in Friday and he charmed everyone there, as he always does. They found a toy golf ball and he was in heaven, but when it rolled under a curtain separating patients, he knew he couldn't go there and just looked. The pt inside kicked it out. He's so funny!

I have another session today and continue to pick up marbles, stretch and do the runners stretch, my favorite NOT! I keep thinking work through the pain and my yoga breathing really helps me there.

Continue your prayers as I think about my future with this foot.
Love you all!!! And thanks for letting me vent.

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