Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer

Those days of peanuts and pretzels and beer. Bob and Rob are having some at the Nats game today. Great day for a ball game.

Foot update: Insurance for physical therapy has run out. My therapist put in for more and says I need about 4-6 weeks more. I've been going three times a week. Will resume when I return from Rhode Island.

I will be going to Rhode Island to help Steph out as she prepares for baby #3, Vincent. While there I hope to keep Sam and Bella occupied so she can rest a bit more.

I went back to the YMCA a couple of weeks ago with Bob and did some of my therapy there. I found they have props similar to my physical therapists, so I ride a bike and do stretches and other contortions. I went yesterday and did a few balances on the half ball and think I over did it a bit.

This past week I was almost walking without a limp. The therapist wants me to use my full stride on the left side and so I have to remind myself, as I've come to rely on my right side too much. Full pronation she says.

I still must take one step at a time going downstairs. My foot just doesn't want to bend that far yet. This also prevents me from squatting, as you can imagine, so if I need to get down on the floor I bend my left leg and place my right knee on the floor and then lower myself. Just reverse to get up.

It's funny how you learn to manage when you can't do things----and then the therapist says, "do it" and I really have to switch gears in my mind because it's been so long since standing on just that foot for instance.

This is my fifth month.

I am progressing and find I don't need ice every night anymore. My arnica cream is helping and I recommend it to anyone suffering from muscle pain.

All for now!

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