Thursday, June 9, 2011


We arrived home from Spain yesterday. I can report that we had a fabulous time and my foot was cooperative for the most part.

Upon arrival we did a walking tour and the tour company provided me with a wheelchair. Bob pushed me most of the way, but our friend Michel as well as two younger gentlemen helped. I was able to walk stairs and one day went with my friend Margie into town to shop without the wheelchair. Of course, upon returning to my room ice was in order.

My last visit to the doctor was good and he wants to see me in six months. Most of my pain is on the outside of the ankle. I will continue with physical therapy to strengthen that part of my ankle.

On my last visit my physical therapist really put me through the works. Runners stretch for a minute and then with bent knee really did me in and was quite painful. I am also now standing on a thick sponge as well. She wanted me stand on one foot--my bad one--. I could not so she just had me rock back and forth trying to keep weight on the entire foot, not just the heel. Again, painful.

While in Spain I took my stretchy band and did my exercises, even the runners stretch. I really think it helps an am thankful for this process. I am able to listen to "My Left Foot" and stop and ice it when needed. I also purchased a cream with arnica that helps with the pain. I feel more normal everyday and am soo, thankful I'm heeling.

We met a young lady while in the airport. She and I shared a wheelchair ride in an elevator. She had been pinned to a wall by a motorcycle in Spain and had hurt her knee. The Spain docs couldn't do much for her because she wasn't a citizen and so she was coming home early from a study tour to be treated. She couldn't even get pain medication. Keep her in your prayers. It had been several days since the accident. I really felt bad for her.

Back to a normal routine today. Good to be HOME!

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