Friday, May 20, 2011

My two new shoes

Finally purchased new shoes for my feet. The physical therapist said they must tie, so no cute sandals for me this summer. The two that I chose are made by a company called "Sensible". Made sense to me ;).
My friend Sara and I headed to Fredericksburg for my physical therapy. She went shopping while I worked out and then we had lunch at Wegmans from the mediterranean bar. Yum!
We shopped a Comfort One Shoes in "the burg" and the first pair I tried on made me float and I almost had no limp at all. This pair is black and dressier.
The second pair I tried on, not so much... The third pair I thought I'm not sure about this and then I tried them on. They are walking shoes and I felt like my heal was floating. I decided to get them both. The second pair are grey with silver trim. I call them my s
Super Hero shoes.
The physical therapist cut my orthotics to fit the Super Hero's and I am off and running. Well not really running, but moving much easier.
I ice my foot every night before bed and sometimes during the depending how I feel. If I wake up with pain I take two tylenol, ice the foot again and usually sleep 'til morning.
I can't tell you how thankful I am with the progress I am making and I know it has alot to do with all the thoughts and prayers from all of you. Thank YOU!
Our trip to Spain will be much better then I thought. I just know we'll have a great time.

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