Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nine months in, fall has arrived

It's definitely fall as the leaves continue to change color and drop. Temperatures have been warmer then normal, but you can feel the cold coming

That being said I am not troubled by my foot telling me a change is in the air---yet. I've been told it will take a couple of years for arthritis to set in. I say "Arthr" is not invited.

I've finished physical therapy, but continue to do the exercises here at home. I have good days and bad days, but feel I'm heading in the right direction. Sometimes I feel if I could just have a chiropractic adjustment everything would fall into place.

I walk mostly without a limp, but have daily pain. It just varies from 1-10, although it's usually in the low range. When it's bad seems to be when I'm on my feet all day or working in the garden too long. Mostly on the outside fibula and ankle area. I am trying to listen to the pain and quit while I'm ahead.

I am finally walking down the stairs with both of my feet pointing forward. I have to hang on to the railing and wall, but at least I don't have to take one step at a time. I must go heel first, so it's a bit strange, but I'm getting used to it. Try it out, it's very different.

My yoga practice seems to help and I can finally do tree on my left foot at least for a short period of time.

The therapist would like me to be able to balance on my foot for one minute. I keep trying. This is an uphill battle. Warrior helps too! ;}

Stay warm and cuddle!

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