Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Slipping Over Gravity---Missing Logic!

Somehow this Sam Phillips lyric seems a fitting title to this blog entry.

I visited the doc today.I've not been happy with my recovery from my heel break,(Feb 28, 2011). The orthapedic doc told me it would take a year to heal. A friend said, your mind may have heard a year,but your body heals in its own time.

I live with varying degrees of pain everyday and am unable to do many things I'd like to. The pain is mostly in the outside of my left ankle and not the heel. This too is another of my concerns.

So the doc has taken X-rays and given me a referral to an orthopedic doctor and wants me to have an MRI. I will have the MRI first and we'll see.

I won't be going back to Dr. Cutie Pie, but I'm hoping it will be good to have fresh eyes on this. Apparently there are enough ortho docs back from deployment for me to see one in a military facility. I'm hoping I won't need surgery,we'll see. If they want to do surgery I'd like to try other holistic things first-- acupuncture, reiki, etc.

I manage the varying degrees of pain with an arnica cream. It really helps and I don't have to take a pill. If you have arthritis I recommend this. Just look at the ingredients in the package and make sure it says arnica.

Stay tuned there's more to come.

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