Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day Before Hard Cast

We have our first snow on the ground today about five inches and it's cold.
I've been enjoying my chats with Mom and Dad on FaceTime and with Steph and family on Skype. It's really nice to see them.
Many of my friends are visiting and bringing food, flowers and fun. I'm working on a couple of yarn projects and generally feeling good.
Tomorrow I will get a hard cast put on. I am anxious and leery at the same time. I want to see what my incisions looks like and then again I'm hoping I won't be too freaked out.
Bob has been great. Probably the hardest thing I have to do is take a shower. We have a shower with a bench, but no handles to hang on to. I purchased one of those suction cup handles and it's been a life saver. Bob puts the plastic cover over my cast and helps me get in and out of the shower. Water is not your friend when you are using crutches. I am glad I have Bob to lean on.
My pain is manageable now and three oxycodon a day seem to take care of everything. Last night, I was even able to lay on my left side with my left leg propped up on a pillow and my right leg across that. I've been sleeping on my back, not my usual position or on my right side. My right shoulder is paying the price.
I sat at the table today and was able to watch the birds at the feeder. This is one of my favorite things to do. The snow is beautiful and the ice cycles on the garage sparkle in the sun. I watched them change from large on the roof to nothing on the roof to long ones on the porch roof. I should take a picture.
Her is a little guy who says it all. His name is Padre Patience. He's watching over me.

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