Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So, it's two days before my surgery. As you may remember I didn't have surgery the first go round because they didn't know my heel, was broken until a month into its healing. That being said it didn't heal well. Arthur Itis decided to pay me a visit and he is staying in that joint.  I have daily pain at varying degrees depending on how much I'm on my feet and over the holidays with all the baking you can imagine.

On Friday, January 18 at 7:30 am I will go to Fair Oaks Hospital and have subtalar fashion. Basically they'll fuse my calchaneous and talas this is my heal and the bone above. Look it up if you are brave of heart. I'll have bone marrow removed from my hip to help with the fusion and two screws to hold everything in place. No screws loose jokes please. They will be secure. General anesthesia, yay!

This scares the crap out of me and I'm having good days and bad. I just want it to be over.

I have all my prescriptions filled-- seven total--and am finishing the set up in the downstairs room I'll be sleeping in for awhile. My crutches are out and my knee cart will be ready to go. I am thankful I know how to use both and hope I won't slip on my crutches this time.

A couple of extra notes. I worked to help set up the Fair Oaks Hospital Child Care Center and worked there for several years. I'm looking forward to going back and wondering if I'll know anyone.

I would also ask if you know how to say The Hail Mary you do so daily for my recovery. Our pastor asks us to do that for him and I figure if he can so can I. If you don't know The Hail Mary, just send your good vibrations. I believe in the power of prayer!


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