Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My OxyContin Experience

As you may remember I came home with a nerve block that caused no initial pain, until 2 am when the block wore off. I had started the OxyContin --twice a day--a few hours earlier being advised to stay on top of the pain. On Sunday, the third day I was having really strange twitches, one at a time in different parts of my body. I layed down to take a nap and was startled awake when I jerked my foot as if trying to pull it out of the cast. OMG! It was awful. The drowsiness and dizziness was a problem when trying to use the crutches. My pain is manageable with the oxy codon, so I've been using that ever since. On occasion I get sharp stabbing pains, but mostly there is just a tightness. It feels like I need to have some one pull and get everything back into place.
On Friday they will remove the temporary cast and put on a hard one. This soft cast, the gauze and ace bandage need to be removed. I'm anxious and leery to see what the incisions look like, but I'll feel much more comfortable then I do now. I should say secure, not comfortable. I'm afraid the comfortable feeling is going to take awhile.