Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Two Years Ago Tomorrow

It will be two years ago tomorrow, February 28, 2011 I broke my heel!

First a correction the book by Judy Collins I'm reading is called Singing Lesson, not Music Lessons as I stated in my earlier blog. I'll probably be sitting on the front porch this afternoon reading since the temp is to be in the sixties. Can spring be far away?

The day after my last post I was up at night with terrific pelvic pain. I took my temp at some point and decided since it was 100.5, that I should go to the doctor. I suspected it was a urinary tract infection. I tried to treat it on my own, cranberry juice, alka seltzer, yogurt. Anyway, Bob took me on Thursday to the doc and he put me on a five day antibiotic right away saying if the culture showed anything different he'd let me know. I felt better almost immediately after taking the first pill. Bob delayed his trip one day and by Saturday I was feeling normal.

My little toe has been twitching quite a bit and at one point was driving me crazy, but I think the nerve they messed with during surgery must be healing. Otherwise I have no pain and this is good.

Saturday, Stephanie, Sam, Bella and Vincent made a much needed visit. We baked Bob his "Busick Pound Cake"--he didn't get it on his birthday. Bella, (she loved my hand crank sifter), Steph and I had kitchen duty while Sam had Vincent duty. She is going to be a good babysitter. Her instincts are great. She loves on Vincent all the time.  It's very surprising to me because she's hard to get a hug from.

Sunday was a rather quiet day and I worked more on my crafts. Sara and Mike Looney picked me up for lunch at The Lighthouse Thai Restaurant. Yummy! It was good to get out. Sara then stayed with me and we painted with watercolor on upo paper. Very interesting indeed. Not my best work, but it was fun.

Monday Shery Ashley came with lunch and we spent the afternoon working on our crafts and catching up. It was a sunny beautiful day and I had fun!

Tuesday was another quiet day. I have a spreadsheet for people who are walking Tad and I think he's a bit protective. He's fine with some of the people and the others he doesn't want to go out with. I put him on the leash and lead him to the door and he'll go, but boy I've never seen him act like this before. I'm sure he's very confused with all the fuss and Bob being gone.

Today will be another quiet day and I'm determined to finish a needlepoint pillow I've been working on forever. I've made some big mistakes, but I think if I can just get the edges finished no one will notice. It's been a very frustrating project though. At times I've wanted to just throw it away.

Tomorrow is a new day and lunch with friends I haven't seen for awhile. Life is good and getting better.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bella's Birth Month, St Pat's Day and Bob's Favorite Color Hard Cast #2

Ok, so I went to the doc yesterday. A really cute physicians assistant in training (Chad) took my cast off. It was a little stubborn, but boy did it feel good to be released from confinement. Abdul then took me to x-ray to make sure I was healing well. Dr Cuttica, yes did I tell you that was his name, came in and said good news. The bones are fusing like they should and everything looks great. He said another hard cast for three weeks, not four (YAY!) and then bring in my boot to start some weight bearing. I couldn't be happier.

I have a green cast now, see photo, and it's a little longer then the last one. It bothers me a bit on my scooter, but I can handle this.

On the home front I've finished one of my stitchery projects and am on to another I promised long ago. It will be a nice surprise for the recipient. Next week I'll do some painting with one friend and knitting with another. I also want to make some mini felt tissue holders at some point. I'm trying to keep a variety of activities going.

Bob will be at spring training in Florida for a week, starting this Friday. He's going to see the Nationals and Orioles. He's wanted to do this for a very long time. I have a full calendar of visits from friends with food and activities to keep me busy. But best of all Stephanie and children will visit on Saturday. We were to have a celebration of Bob's birthday last Sunday, but Steph and Vincent came down with the flu. It will be good to see them all.

I've been reading some lenten prayers and knowing that Christ suffered so much for us helps we to realize I don't have it so bad. I do have my moments though. Sometimes I think I should just cry all day and get it out of my system. Somewhere in my life I learned to suppress my crying. I'm sure this isn't good.

I am also reading Judy Collins, Music Lessons. I recommend it to all. Her writing is as beautiful as her music and what a life she's had. Thanks, Debbie!

Today the sun is shining, Tad has had his bath, although he'll hide from me all day now. Bob is still my angel and my life is good.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Next Step, So To Speak

I'm a happy camper. Went to the doc yesterday and he took a look and NO infection. You can really see the difference in this photo from the last. Soooo, I now have an orange hard cast. It's a bit shorter then my last two and they say this allows for swelling still there. It looks like everything is healing well though. The hard cast prevents me from moving my heel at all and this is what they want. I feel a bit more secure, but there is that itching thing. 

Woke up last night with itching in the arch of my foot. Took hold of my big toe and wiggle it around a bit. It seemed to help. If it gets to hard to handle they recommend Benadryl. I'm hoping I'll be able to meditate my way through whatever comes.

Still taking pain pills am and pm, but will finish with them soon. Thank heavan!