Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Next Step, So To Speak

I'm a happy camper. Went to the doc yesterday and he took a look and NO infection. You can really see the difference in this photo from the last. Soooo, I now have an orange hard cast. It's a bit shorter then my last two and they say this allows for swelling still there. It looks like everything is healing well though. The hard cast prevents me from moving my heel at all and this is what they want. I feel a bit more secure, but there is that itching thing. 

Woke up last night with itching in the arch of my foot. Took hold of my big toe and wiggle it around a bit. It seemed to help. If it gets to hard to handle they recommend Benadryl. I'm hoping I'll be able to meditate my way through whatever comes.

Still taking pain pills am and pm, but will finish with them soon. Thank heavan! 

1 comment:

  1. Saw your cast- who says size doesn't matter? I never can resist a chance to dust off my naughty sense of humor:-) All you need is a burgundy Sharpie for autographs and you could be a VT fan...Go Hokies!
    I hope what I sent you arrived. There is such a special kind-of-intimate connection between people who have read the same book whether they both enjoyed it or not, or got something entirely different from it. It's kind of like parading emotionally naked in front of someone when you say, "I liked this and believe you will too." I don't think Stephanie saw me as a person who was affected by passionate prose, until we started sharing books and she realized I had read the same page she had detailing the flashing of a sword, the heaving of a bosom, and the crashing of waves, followed by the relief of the couple's unspoken "tension". Yes- now you know. I am a closet romance novel reader:-) Actually, I'm not but have toyed with writing one on my lunch hours.
    I have a 4 day-count them 4 days- weekend thanks to Mardi Gras which constitutes a holiday down here. I am such a Puritan. I just don't get publically endorsed loss of control and dignity in a public venue due to embibing in the excess of decadent pleasures. It takes more than a beer and a string of beads tossed at me to get me to behave inappropriately. Not much more, but a little more:-)
    I see all the weather that is headed your way and admit to being jealous. I miss snow days- especially the way the light changes when there is snow on the ground. in any case if your trapped inside you won't be out on your ankle doing things you are not supposed to do.
    Don't forget I love you. MB
