Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bella's Birth Month, St Pat's Day and Bob's Favorite Color Hard Cast #2

Ok, so I went to the doc yesterday. A really cute physicians assistant in training (Chad) took my cast off. It was a little stubborn, but boy did it feel good to be released from confinement. Abdul then took me to x-ray to make sure I was healing well. Dr Cuttica, yes did I tell you that was his name, came in and said good news. The bones are fusing like they should and everything looks great. He said another hard cast for three weeks, not four (YAY!) and then bring in my boot to start some weight bearing. I couldn't be happier.

I have a green cast now, see photo, and it's a little longer then the last one. It bothers me a bit on my scooter, but I can handle this.

On the home front I've finished one of my stitchery projects and am on to another I promised long ago. It will be a nice surprise for the recipient. Next week I'll do some painting with one friend and knitting with another. I also want to make some mini felt tissue holders at some point. I'm trying to keep a variety of activities going.

Bob will be at spring training in Florida for a week, starting this Friday. He's going to see the Nationals and Orioles. He's wanted to do this for a very long time. I have a full calendar of visits from friends with food and activities to keep me busy. But best of all Stephanie and children will visit on Saturday. We were to have a celebration of Bob's birthday last Sunday, but Steph and Vincent came down with the flu. It will be good to see them all.

I've been reading some lenten prayers and knowing that Christ suffered so much for us helps we to realize I don't have it so bad. I do have my moments though. Sometimes I think I should just cry all day and get it out of my system. Somewhere in my life I learned to suppress my crying. I'm sure this isn't good.

I am also reading Judy Collins, Music Lessons. I recommend it to all. Her writing is as beautiful as her music and what a life she's had. Thanks, Debbie!

Today the sun is shining, Tad has had his bath, although he'll hide from me all day now. Bob is still my angel and my life is good.

Until next time!

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