Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Back to the Doc I Go

So after the first day I unwrapped my foot and noticed a quarter size blister on the inside of my ankle. Now this really scared me for I did not know why I would have a blister, since I did not scrape my foot in anyway. I decided I needed to see my primary care physician and let her take a look at things and tell me what was going on.

Bob drove me to Ft Meyer Radar Clinic and my doctor took a look. I explained what had happened and she seemed to agree with the clinics initial findings of a sprain. She had no idea what the blister was from. I went home with gauze and paper tape--I'm allergic to latex--to put on the blister. I was bound and determined that I was not going to get an infection from this blister on top of everything else. Especially since Mom had spent a year dealing with MRSA.

At week two the blister started to itch. Good sign of healing. Week three I crawled up the stairs to soak in the tub. By this time I was putting pressure on my toes and trying to write the alphabet--Caps only--with my foot. I had looked up some physical therapy ideas on the internet. I figured a soak in the tub was good. The blister had turned a dark color and the skin was wrinkly--healing. In the tub this all fell off and everything looked good. I was happy to be rid of one of my worries.

When week four was about to begin I thought I should be progressing a bit further. There still was swelling and I couldn't put my full weight on my foot. It felt like someone tied a tight strap around my foot at the ankle and was pulling it tighter when I put pressure on my foot. Very uncomfortable, but no pain. I hadn't really had pain since the first week. I was also very numb in the heal area and when I touched the top of my foot it felt like I hit my funny bone.

Back to the doc I go. She agreed the swelling should not be there. She asked me to walk to her and I couldn't. Same tightness around the ankle area. She had another xray done and she and the radiologist saw a tiny line. She scheduled a Cat Scan. This was on a Thursday.

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