Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Well here it is April 26th day 58.

Lots of catching up to do on this blog.

The day after my CT scan I was seen by an orthopedic assistant at Fr Belvoir. She is one of the most conscientious and comforting people in the medical field I've ever met. I wish I could remember her name, because she deserves to be recognized, but that info is upstairs and in order for me to get there I have to crawl up the stairs, hoist myself up on my crutches and try to find where that green folder has landed.

Anyway, when we went in and I was petrified, visions of surgery stuck in my head. We sat down as I watched corpsmen cast two young people.

She asked for my history and I told her the whole sorry story. Bob and I then saw the xray and CT scan. I had to catch my breath as I saw my heel in multiple pieces, I stopped counting at seven. I could not believe I was feeling no pain. This kind woman said she too would have reacted the same way. She took time to point things out and I was thankful Bob was with me. All of this was too much!

I was told I would need to see a specialist as the break was very bad. Unfortunately, all of their foot specialist are deployed, as you can imagine. Thank God they are taking care of our troops. I would need to see a civilian. We talked for a very long time and she answered all our questions as best she could.

She asked if I had anymore questions and I did. As I teared up I asked if she thought I'd be able to go on our trip to Spain the end of May. She said the doctor would have to make that decision, but made me feel much better as she talked about special exceptions for flying etc. She then said, "you know what we are going to order you a knee scooter." It will just make your life easier. "I'm putting in a 72 hr order".

She gave me some numbers to call and told me people would be calling me to set up appointments and then gave me her personal phone number so I could call her with an update after I saw the doctor. She pointed out that I was only the second patient she had ever given her phone number to and that I would have to destroy it after calling her. ;)

We headed home and on the way received a phone call that a specialist in La Plata could see us that day. And so........

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