Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today is day 58 of my fall on February 28th. I filled a watering can with water and was thrilled at the idea of watering my outdoor plants once again. I headed for my back door, opened the door stepped down and with the watering can in my right hand turned to close the door with my left hand when down I went. I heard/felt things tearing/breaking.

I had just walked Tad and tied him up outside. He was now barking at me laying on the floor and I was in agony not knowing what happened. When things like this happened you get out of breath. I pulled from my yoga practice and took several deep breaths before deciding what to do.

Bob was in DC working, and my neighbor Pokie was home, but was also recovering from foot surgery. So I thought I'd try to get inside and call my friend Joanne. I was able to do so and she came right over. We decided to stop at the rescue squad and ask them what I should do. This is an advantage of living in a small town. They gave me ice and suggested an xray. We proceeded to King George Urgent care where they did an xray. I had a difficult time keeping my leg still as it shook when I turned into the postions needed. While coming down off the table I cried. The technician consoled me and I was grateful.

Doctor said it was not broken, but that I had torn almost every tendon, ligament and muscle in my ankle. She wrapped my foot and game me an air cast. We took my prescription for pain pills to the drug store where I also purchased crutches. On the way out I slipped on a wet spot and landed on my left foot causing excruciating pain.

I went home put a bag a frozen green beans on my foot and laid on the sofa all day. Joanne came and walked Tad in the afternoon.

Bob and I decided it was best for me to sleep downstairs. It was an awful night as I could not get comfortable.

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