Thursday, April 14, 2011

The CT Scan

Ok so I can't count, or maybe I'm just ready for this to be over. It's day 45. Sorry about that.

So, two days later I have a Cat Scan scheduled for Sunday at 9 a.m. The scan is painless and we decide to have breakfast with a friend while we're in the area.

As I get into the car to leave I get a phone call from radiology. The woman on the other end identifies herself and then says to me "are you in pain?" I tell her no and she tells me I have multiple fractures to my ankle. She again asks me about pain. She says I have an appointment the following day in orthopedics. One last time she says she's contacted emergency and they know about me should I arrive for pain meds.

Now I'm upset. I'm thinking multiple means surgery. Bob settles me down as he always does and we go home.

At this point I am done. I just want my life to be normal again. I realize this isn't going to happen, so I pray.

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