Wednesday, April 27, 2011

OMG He's so Cute

So I ended up at Capital Orthopedics in La Plata, Maryland. Filled out all the long forms and waited. A cute girl, around 12 came in with her crutches all covered in colored tape. I told her I was going home to do the same. I just put scarves on mine though.

The doctor came in and took a look. He explained what had happened and said if it had happened that day he would have done surgery, but since it had been a month the bones were healing and he would recommend a boot and come back in a month.

We had lots of questions and I'm glad Bob was with me because I couldn't stop looking at those beautiful eyes and lashes as well as his curly hair. I had to keep reminding myself to pay attention. I'm sure he isn't much older then my children, but I just couldn't help myself.

When I asked if he thought I could go on my Spain trip he said he didn't see why not, but that I would tire easily. Bob chimed right in and said that's ok, we'll just set her down with a bottle of wine and come back for her later. HA!

He did say I'd probably end up with a wider heel. I am just hoping that doesn't mean two shoe sizes. We'll see. He also said this would be a long recovery with swelling lasting about 7-8 months and maybe up to a year to fully recover and even then I may have a limp. I am just soo anxious to get rid of my crutches.

The following week I received my knee walker and it has truly been a life saver. I can do much more as it locks in place and I can turn to the counter, sink, etc. I am not comfortable with it at the stove, but boy am I able to do much more.

So, tomorrow on Day 60 I will be returning to see Dr. Cutie Pie and hopefully the next time I write here I'll be walking on both feet.

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