Friday, May 20, 2011

My two new shoes

Finally purchased new shoes for my feet. The physical therapist said they must tie, so no cute sandals for me this summer. The two that I chose are made by a company called "Sensible". Made sense to me ;).
My friend Sara and I headed to Fredericksburg for my physical therapy. She went shopping while I worked out and then we had lunch at Wegmans from the mediterranean bar. Yum!
We shopped a Comfort One Shoes in "the burg" and the first pair I tried on made me float and I almost had no limp at all. This pair is black and dressier.
The second pair I tried on, not so much... The third pair I thought I'm not sure about this and then I tried them on. They are walking shoes and I felt like my heal was floating. I decided to get them both. The second pair are grey with silver trim. I call them my s
Super Hero shoes.
The physical therapist cut my orthotics to fit the Super Hero's and I am off and running. Well not really running, but moving much easier.
I ice my foot every night before bed and sometimes during the depending how I feel. If I wake up with pain I take two tylenol, ice the foot again and usually sleep 'til morning.
I can't tell you how thankful I am with the progress I am making and I know it has alot to do with all the thoughts and prayers from all of you. Thank YOU!
Our trip to Spain will be much better then I thought. I just know we'll have a great time.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sammy Two Shoes

When Rob was a little boy Bob called him all kinds of nicknames including Sammy two shoes. Who knew we would one day have a granddaughter Sam! I thought it was appropriate to use the name as the title of my blog today. Rob and Bob are driving from Arizona to Virginia as of yesterday, today and tomorrow, and as of today I am wearing two normal shoes. YAY!

The left shoe is tight and I still have my boot if it gets to be too much, but things are definitely progressing. I've been walking inside this morning without my crutches as well. I'm still hobbling around, but...

Yesterday at physical therapy I stretched my foot in varying ways, some not sooo pleasant, picked up 90 of those marbles again, had ultrasound and for the first time rode a bike. It felt weird and getting on was interesting. I couldn't decide which foot to put on the peddle first.

You see I'm left handed and I like to start everything on my left side including walking. You really wouldn't understand this unless you were left handed. We left handers live in a scarey world.

I continue to ice the foot and stay off of it when needed.

It's to be in the 70's today and I am looking forward to spending time outside.

Monday, May 9, 2011

One Crutch

So today was the first day I felt good about using one crutch. I had tried it before, but too painful.

That is until I went to my physical therapist. Joanne is my therapist and she is so sweet. Until she tortures me. She gets me talkin' and then she starts manipulating the foot. Luckily we were talking about something I love, Gardening, and River Farm. So she just kept on going. I'm paying for it now. Back to two crutches, but I know this is helping.

Last Wednesday was my first day and I received ultra sound and electro stimulation. She measured my movement, massaged my foot and taped it for support. Felt good. She said we'll be easy on you and the hard stuff will start.

The second day was last Friday. Same routine, but she started to manipulate the foot. Pulling and moving it in varying directions. At one point I said, " that hurts." She looked at me said, " I know" and continued for a short period. Stopped and iced the foot. Thank God!

Today I went in on one crutch and was feeling good. I stretched the foot with a strap and used the stretchy band to bend my foot forward and side to side. I then picked up 90 marbles with my toes, one at a time and put them into a mint julep cup. It didn't even have a mint julep in it for me before I started. Oh joy! After that it was put the feet flat on the floor, lift toes ten times and then lift heels, ten times two sets. I could really feel the muscles I haven't used for two months. As a matter of fact why don't you try these and see how good you are.

So back to two crutches tonight, but hopeful to be out of the boot and in shoes (tie only) by Thursday.

We leave for Spain two weeks from Thursday. I'm seeing Joanne three times a week until then and after twice a week.

I took the stretchy band home and will continue to do my exercises.

The show must go on!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Looking out on the Garden

I've spent almost two months at this table, most morning all morning working at the table a gazing on our backyard.

Two years ago Bob designed a garden in our backyard. I don't think my rehabilitation from this break would be going so well if I didn't have this glorious view.

Right now I am watching the goldfinch's eat their neijer seed. Listening to their gentle song. I am also watching the wind blow the small grasses and crepe myrtles. The fringe tree is blooming and I will take a walk to smell it's wonderful fragrance.

While recovering I watched the fothergilla bloom. The witch hazel bloom. The amalanchier bloom and the hosta and day lilies come up.

The ferns are growing as are the solomon seal and epimedium. The river birches have leafed out and our very large willow oak still has healthy leaves even though it's being treated for borers.

The sun rises on this garden and as it comes up, shines through and casts beauty onto our stained glass window...

I am comforted.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sore, sore, sore

Went to my regular exercise class today and then with my friend Dixie to water aerobics. It felt really good to be able to move so freely.

Came home had lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon planting pots and watering them. Of course, Bob had to do all the moving and emptying of bags etc.

I can see this injury is really taking a toll on my poor husband and I don't know what to do. I tell him I'm thankful, but I see the frustration and sometimes anger when I am unable to perform my "duties". I'm trying to stay positive, but.... It's difficult to talk to him about this, because he just keeps saying--you'll get better. I don't think he knows just how difficult this is.

Sure wish I could talk to someone who's had similar experiences, but also thankful I don't really know any.

I continue to meditate and pray to keep things in perspective. Tomorrow, yoga and I will try downward dog. It's been too long.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sore Today

It was a beautiful day yesterday. Sunshine and 70 degrees. Bob was able to take his new sailboat out and I took pictures.

Was able to walk around on one crutch, so spent some time hobbling outside yesterday and cleaned out all of our pots so they are ready to plant. We have about 15 pots to fill and I hope I can get it done.

Today, I woke up very achy in the location of the injury. Feels like I'm walking on bruises. Bummed. I try to keep my chin up, but with the lack of sun, once again I'm not a happy camper. I've decided I can have a bad day here and there. I am just not going to let it consume me. I just want to be well again.

Bob and I did go to the nursery and picked out some plants for our pots, so that was a bit uplifting.

Will soak in the tub tonight and watch a new Masterpiece on PBS.

I'm hopeful tomorrow is a better day and I will start water aerobics. Wish me luck.