Monday, May 2, 2011

Sore, sore, sore

Went to my regular exercise class today and then with my friend Dixie to water aerobics. It felt really good to be able to move so freely.

Came home had lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon planting pots and watering them. Of course, Bob had to do all the moving and emptying of bags etc.

I can see this injury is really taking a toll on my poor husband and I don't know what to do. I tell him I'm thankful, but I see the frustration and sometimes anger when I am unable to perform my "duties". I'm trying to stay positive, but.... It's difficult to talk to him about this, because he just keeps saying--you'll get better. I don't think he knows just how difficult this is.

Sure wish I could talk to someone who's had similar experiences, but also thankful I don't really know any.

I continue to meditate and pray to keep things in perspective. Tomorrow, yoga and I will try downward dog. It's been too long.

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