Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sore Today

It was a beautiful day yesterday. Sunshine and 70 degrees. Bob was able to take his new sailboat out and I took pictures.

Was able to walk around on one crutch, so spent some time hobbling outside yesterday and cleaned out all of our pots so they are ready to plant. We have about 15 pots to fill and I hope I can get it done.

Today, I woke up very achy in the location of the injury. Feels like I'm walking on bruises. Bummed. I try to keep my chin up, but with the lack of sun, once again I'm not a happy camper. I've decided I can have a bad day here and there. I am just not going to let it consume me. I just want to be well again.

Bob and I did go to the nursery and picked out some plants for our pots, so that was a bit uplifting.

Will soak in the tub tonight and watch a new Masterpiece on PBS.

I'm hopeful tomorrow is a better day and I will start water aerobics. Wish me luck.

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