Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sammy Two Shoes

When Rob was a little boy Bob called him all kinds of nicknames including Sammy two shoes. Who knew we would one day have a granddaughter Sam! I thought it was appropriate to use the name as the title of my blog today. Rob and Bob are driving from Arizona to Virginia as of yesterday, today and tomorrow, and as of today I am wearing two normal shoes. YAY!

The left shoe is tight and I still have my boot if it gets to be too much, but things are definitely progressing. I've been walking inside this morning without my crutches as well. I'm still hobbling around, but...

Yesterday at physical therapy I stretched my foot in varying ways, some not sooo pleasant, picked up 90 of those marbles again, had ultrasound and for the first time rode a bike. It felt weird and getting on was interesting. I couldn't decide which foot to put on the peddle first.

You see I'm left handed and I like to start everything on my left side including walking. You really wouldn't understand this unless you were left handed. We left handers live in a scarey world.

I continue to ice the foot and stay off of it when needed.

It's to be in the 70's today and I am looking forward to spending time outside.

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