Monday, May 9, 2011

One Crutch

So today was the first day I felt good about using one crutch. I had tried it before, but too painful.

That is until I went to my physical therapist. Joanne is my therapist and she is so sweet. Until she tortures me. She gets me talkin' and then she starts manipulating the foot. Luckily we were talking about something I love, Gardening, and River Farm. So she just kept on going. I'm paying for it now. Back to two crutches, but I know this is helping.

Last Wednesday was my first day and I received ultra sound and electro stimulation. She measured my movement, massaged my foot and taped it for support. Felt good. She said we'll be easy on you and the hard stuff will start.

The second day was last Friday. Same routine, but she started to manipulate the foot. Pulling and moving it in varying directions. At one point I said, " that hurts." She looked at me said, " I know" and continued for a short period. Stopped and iced the foot. Thank God!

Today I went in on one crutch and was feeling good. I stretched the foot with a strap and used the stretchy band to bend my foot forward and side to side. I then picked up 90 marbles with my toes, one at a time and put them into a mint julep cup. It didn't even have a mint julep in it for me before I started. Oh joy! After that it was put the feet flat on the floor, lift toes ten times and then lift heels, ten times two sets. I could really feel the muscles I haven't used for two months. As a matter of fact why don't you try these and see how good you are.

So back to two crutches tonight, but hopeful to be out of the boot and in shoes (tie only) by Thursday.

We leave for Spain two weeks from Thursday. I'm seeing Joanne three times a week until then and after twice a week.

I took the stretchy band home and will continue to do my exercises.

The show must go on!

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