Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Looking out on the Garden

I've spent almost two months at this table, most morning all morning working at the table a gazing on our backyard.

Two years ago Bob designed a garden in our backyard. I don't think my rehabilitation from this break would be going so well if I didn't have this glorious view.

Right now I am watching the goldfinch's eat their neijer seed. Listening to their gentle song. I am also watching the wind blow the small grasses and crepe myrtles. The fringe tree is blooming and I will take a walk to smell it's wonderful fragrance.

While recovering I watched the fothergilla bloom. The witch hazel bloom. The amalanchier bloom and the hosta and day lilies come up.

The ferns are growing as are the solomon seal and epimedium. The river birches have leafed out and our very large willow oak still has healthy leaves even though it's being treated for borers.

The sun rises on this garden and as it comes up, shines through and casts beauty onto our stained glass window...

I am comforted.

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