Friday, August 9, 2013

Need Strength

My foot is doing quite well. I think I'll be able to give weather reports, as it aches when the weather changes, but I can handle that.

My problem is I keep getting bursitis in both legs below the knee. I just don't feel like they are strong enough. I should do some strengthe exercises to help with that and will look into that soon.

I've upped my glucosamine and am drinking cherry juice. This seems to help, so I'll keep it up.

Overall, I'm still very happy with my progress and looking forward to another trip to Maine next week. This time I hope I can do more hiking then I did before.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

One leg down one to go

On June 10, I saw the foot doc and he said I could do away with my brace. Physical therapy was going well and I was really feeling good about things. As a matter of fact my left foot felt better then it has since I broke it.

The following Wednesday I could hardly walk on my right leg with excruciating pain just under and to the inside of my right knee. So on Thursday when I saw my physical therapist I asked her about it and she said most likely it's a bursa inflammation. So now that I've done some research I need to rest this leg, ice it and wait for about four weeks for it to heel.

As of today Sunday, June 30 all is well. My bursitis is settled and I'm feeling really good about my foot. I still have to be careful and when doing anything new take it slow, but physical therapy visits are over and I am doing therapy on my own. I couldn't be happier.

Thanks to all for your good wishes and prayers. I know they helped.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Visited the doc on Monday. More ex-rays and everything is looking good. He wants my physical therapist to wean me off my boot and into a lovely brace. I'll show pictures later. I've been wearing regular shoes in the house in the evening for the past couple of days. I just am soooo very tired of all of this.
Physical therapy started today. The therapist measured my flexibility. With my foot flexed I scored a 6 she'd like to get me to 10, but said this number is very good. The side to side is not so hot, but I knew that would be the case with this surgery. I see her again Thursday and will bring my brace and new shoes so I can start wearing those. Oh joy!
Also, today I went to the dentist for a crown. I didn't realize I also need a crown extension. They started the extension today which include two stitches in my gum. This a going to be about a month long process. Ouch!
I am literally aching from head to toe. I might have to take an oxycontin to get through the night. We'll see.
As they say, "if it isn't one thing.....

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tiny Tim Time

Saw the doc on Wednesday and he says everything looks really good. The two bones have fused properly and I can now get physical therapy. My torture angels as I call them. Doc suggested I could use one crutch--thus the title of this blog--. It scared me at first, but...

Called two therapists and one does water therapy. I'm waiting to hear from the second and then I'll decide. Might need to call the doctor to see if water therapy is ok.

Foot is very sore still and doc gave me a gel pad for my heal to help with comfort. It helps a little. Spent Saturday before Easter in Annapolis and my foot was swollen, red and very sore that night. I needed my gel pack and pain meds. The next few days it seemed very red to me and I wondered about another infection. However, the past few days it's felt pretty good. So good that I am walking mostly without my crutches.

The weather is finally cooperating, so today I went down the deck stairs without crutches. Walked around the yard a bit and sat on the swing, reading and watching Bob do yard work. Someone has to supervise, right? The sun feels wonderful and is good for my mental health. I sooooooo want this over it brings me down at times.

Another three weeks in the boot and then I'll be buying new shoes. I'll wait to see what the therapist recommends, but have a few cushy ones picked out at different sites.

Keep saying those Hail Mary's they are helping and I still have a ways to go.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Removal of Final Hard Cast

Saw the doc on Wednesday, 3-13-13 and had my hard cast removed. Ex-rays show the healing is going well, but there is still some fusion that hasn't totally taken. It's going in the right direction just not ready for me to put pressure on the foot yet. Soooooo, two weeks in a boot with no pressure then in the third week I can slowly begin walking on my foot. After the third week another visit to the doc and start physical therapy.

I still have quite a bit of numbness around the incision and my heel. The area around my ankle is very tight as well, but I remember the feeling from when I broke my foot. I'm to make the ABC's with my foot twice a day and use it to balance only, no pressure yet. The muscles and tendons are waking up and the foot is a bit sore and tingly. I still have quite a bit of numbness near the main incision and on the top of my foot. I'm hopeful that will go away with time.

I took some pictures of Jose taking off my cast. Just to show how its done if you've not seen it before.

Took a shower shaved my legs. Also used a pumice stone on my foot, but still have skin coming off. Every time I take my sock off flakes fall. At the incision site of the screws the scab was so thick it still had sutures in it. Interesting. I'll be cleaning up my foot gradually for awhile I think.

Not happy I can't walk on the foot, but I know I must let it heal completely and am very thankful for the boot. Much easier to sleep and it's nice to be able to take off the boot every now and then.

Using the saw
Cutting the bandages

Pulling off

The large incision

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Two Years Ago Tomorrow

It will be two years ago tomorrow, February 28, 2011 I broke my heel!

First a correction the book by Judy Collins I'm reading is called Singing Lesson, not Music Lessons as I stated in my earlier blog. I'll probably be sitting on the front porch this afternoon reading since the temp is to be in the sixties. Can spring be far away?

The day after my last post I was up at night with terrific pelvic pain. I took my temp at some point and decided since it was 100.5, that I should go to the doctor. I suspected it was a urinary tract infection. I tried to treat it on my own, cranberry juice, alka seltzer, yogurt. Anyway, Bob took me on Thursday to the doc and he put me on a five day antibiotic right away saying if the culture showed anything different he'd let me know. I felt better almost immediately after taking the first pill. Bob delayed his trip one day and by Saturday I was feeling normal.

My little toe has been twitching quite a bit and at one point was driving me crazy, but I think the nerve they messed with during surgery must be healing. Otherwise I have no pain and this is good.

Saturday, Stephanie, Sam, Bella and Vincent made a much needed visit. We baked Bob his "Busick Pound Cake"--he didn't get it on his birthday. Bella, (she loved my hand crank sifter), Steph and I had kitchen duty while Sam had Vincent duty. She is going to be a good babysitter. Her instincts are great. She loves on Vincent all the time.  It's very surprising to me because she's hard to get a hug from.

Sunday was a rather quiet day and I worked more on my crafts. Sara and Mike Looney picked me up for lunch at The Lighthouse Thai Restaurant. Yummy! It was good to get out. Sara then stayed with me and we painted with watercolor on upo paper. Very interesting indeed. Not my best work, but it was fun.

Monday Shery Ashley came with lunch and we spent the afternoon working on our crafts and catching up. It was a sunny beautiful day and I had fun!

Tuesday was another quiet day. I have a spreadsheet for people who are walking Tad and I think he's a bit protective. He's fine with some of the people and the others he doesn't want to go out with. I put him on the leash and lead him to the door and he'll go, but boy I've never seen him act like this before. I'm sure he's very confused with all the fuss and Bob being gone.

Today will be another quiet day and I'm determined to finish a needlepoint pillow I've been working on forever. I've made some big mistakes, but I think if I can just get the edges finished no one will notice. It's been a very frustrating project though. At times I've wanted to just throw it away.

Tomorrow is a new day and lunch with friends I haven't seen for awhile. Life is good and getting better.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bella's Birth Month, St Pat's Day and Bob's Favorite Color Hard Cast #2

Ok, so I went to the doc yesterday. A really cute physicians assistant in training (Chad) took my cast off. It was a little stubborn, but boy did it feel good to be released from confinement. Abdul then took me to x-ray to make sure I was healing well. Dr Cuttica, yes did I tell you that was his name, came in and said good news. The bones are fusing like they should and everything looks great. He said another hard cast for three weeks, not four (YAY!) and then bring in my boot to start some weight bearing. I couldn't be happier.

I have a green cast now, see photo, and it's a little longer then the last one. It bothers me a bit on my scooter, but I can handle this.

On the home front I've finished one of my stitchery projects and am on to another I promised long ago. It will be a nice surprise for the recipient. Next week I'll do some painting with one friend and knitting with another. I also want to make some mini felt tissue holders at some point. I'm trying to keep a variety of activities going.

Bob will be at spring training in Florida for a week, starting this Friday. He's going to see the Nationals and Orioles. He's wanted to do this for a very long time. I have a full calendar of visits from friends with food and activities to keep me busy. But best of all Stephanie and children will visit on Saturday. We were to have a celebration of Bob's birthday last Sunday, but Steph and Vincent came down with the flu. It will be good to see them all.

I've been reading some lenten prayers and knowing that Christ suffered so much for us helps we to realize I don't have it so bad. I do have my moments though. Sometimes I think I should just cry all day and get it out of my system. Somewhere in my life I learned to suppress my crying. I'm sure this isn't good.

I am also reading Judy Collins, Music Lessons. I recommend it to all. Her writing is as beautiful as her music and what a life she's had. Thanks, Debbie!

Today the sun is shining, Tad has had his bath, although he'll hide from me all day now. Bob is still my angel and my life is good.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Next Step, So To Speak

I'm a happy camper. Went to the doc yesterday and he took a look and NO infection. You can really see the difference in this photo from the last. Soooo, I now have an orange hard cast. It's a bit shorter then my last two and they say this allows for swelling still there. It looks like everything is healing well though. The hard cast prevents me from moving my heel at all and this is what they want. I feel a bit more secure, but there is that itching thing. 

Woke up last night with itching in the arch of my foot. Took hold of my big toe and wiggle it around a bit. It seemed to help. If it gets to hard to handle they recommend Benadryl. I'm hoping I'll be able to meditate my way through whatever comes.

Still taking pain pills am and pm, but will finish with them soon. Thank heavan! 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Came Home With Another Soft Cast

Saw the Doctor today and everything was going well unit he said they would be putting on another soft  cast. It seems there is some red and tender skin around the incision. They want to be sure it's not an infection, so I'm on a dose of antibiotics four times a day. I took an antibiotic once a day right after the surgery. They will check my foot again on Feb 5th. A bit of a set back I guess, but then I want the infection gone before I'm closed up in a cast for 6-8 weeks.
I was also able to see the exray of the screws they put in. They are long. I am including two pictures here. You may or may not want to take a look. Hopefully, the next pictures I post will look much better.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day Before Hard Cast

We have our first snow on the ground today about five inches and it's cold.
I've been enjoying my chats with Mom and Dad on FaceTime and with Steph and family on Skype. It's really nice to see them.
Many of my friends are visiting and bringing food, flowers and fun. I'm working on a couple of yarn projects and generally feeling good.
Tomorrow I will get a hard cast put on. I am anxious and leery at the same time. I want to see what my incisions looks like and then again I'm hoping I won't be too freaked out.
Bob has been great. Probably the hardest thing I have to do is take a shower. We have a shower with a bench, but no handles to hang on to. I purchased one of those suction cup handles and it's been a life saver. Bob puts the plastic cover over my cast and helps me get in and out of the shower. Water is not your friend when you are using crutches. I am glad I have Bob to lean on.
My pain is manageable now and three oxycodon a day seem to take care of everything. Last night, I was even able to lay on my left side with my left leg propped up on a pillow and my right leg across that. I've been sleeping on my back, not my usual position or on my right side. My right shoulder is paying the price.
I sat at the table today and was able to watch the birds at the feeder. This is one of my favorite things to do. The snow is beautiful and the ice cycles on the garage sparkle in the sun. I watched them change from large on the roof to nothing on the roof to long ones on the porch roof. I should take a picture.
Her is a little guy who says it all. His name is Padre Patience. He's watching over me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My OxyContin Experience

As you may remember I came home with a nerve block that caused no initial pain, until 2 am when the block wore off. I had started the OxyContin --twice a day--a few hours earlier being advised to stay on top of the pain. On Sunday, the third day I was having really strange twitches, one at a time in different parts of my body. I layed down to take a nap and was startled awake when I jerked my foot as if trying to pull it out of the cast. OMG! It was awful. The drowsiness and dizziness was a problem when trying to use the crutches. My pain is manageable with the oxy codon, so I've been using that ever since. On occasion I get sharp stabbing pains, but mostly there is just a tightness. It feels like I need to have some one pull and get everything back into place.
On Friday they will remove the temporary cast and put on a hard one. This soft cast, the gauze and ace bandage need to be removed. I'm anxious and leery to see what the incisions look like, but I'll feel much more comfortable then I do now. I should say secure, not comfortable. I'm afraid the comfortable feeling is going to take awhile.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Knee Cart

On day 4. I am using my knee cart. For those of you unfamiliar with a knee cart here is a picture. It is a godsend. Much easier to use then crutches. It just doesn't like to go very fast and won't take tight turns. I'm sure I can live with that.
Elcy brought meat loaf, Steve brought Wisconsin chili and John brought cookies. Nice chat with them all.
Taking only oxicodon now as oxycontin made me feel really strange. Pain is slight, I'm fine.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

There's Got To Be a Morning After

Day after my surgery and the nerve blocker has worn off. About 2 am I woke with a burning stinging pain. I took some meds and called Dr. Bob out of a deep sleep. I know this because he thought he shut off his alarm until he heard me calling his name. Bless his heart, he rose and come down to give me an ice pack and some more water.

So far no nausea. I'm wearing a patch behind my ear to help with this. So far so good. I do not like the way the pain meds make me feel groggy, but that goes with the territory.

It's a beautiful sunny day today. Makes me feel better already. We have food for three dinners. We have the best friends ever.

We arrived at the hospital yesterday around 6 am. We drove by the child care center where I worked and I noticed the two crepe myrtles we planted are still there. It made me smile. They are building a cancer center so lots of construction going on. I must say the staff was wonderful. Smiles and good explanations about everything they would do. I especially enjoyed Allan my post op nurse. He was easy to talk to and very conscientious. I was freezing when I came out of the operating room and he quickly got me some very warm blankets. As he was working he notice I was still cold and said I know you are too polite to ask, but Im going to get you another warm blanket. What a guy.

I was happy to have the blocker for the 2 hour drive home. It made traveling much easier.

When I used my crutches I lost my balance. Luckily Bob was there to catch me, AHW. I did it a couple of times in the house too and must remember to slow down and get my footing. At least my right footing!

Steph said something very interesting yesterday when we were Skyping. She said Vincent spoke my name when he woke yesterday, and then again at breakfast. He must have known I'd need his loving thoughts. Such a cutie. Sam and Bella wanted to Skype, so at 7pm we did so. Sam suggested we do it every day at four. She also said she'd made me something. They will visit next weekend and I can't wait.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So, it's two days before my surgery. As you may remember I didn't have surgery the first go round because they didn't know my heel, was broken until a month into its healing. That being said it didn't heal well. Arthur Itis decided to pay me a visit and he is staying in that joint.  I have daily pain at varying degrees depending on how much I'm on my feet and over the holidays with all the baking you can imagine.

On Friday, January 18 at 7:30 am I will go to Fair Oaks Hospital and have subtalar fashion. Basically they'll fuse my calchaneous and talas this is my heal and the bone above. Look it up if you are brave of heart. I'll have bone marrow removed from my hip to help with the fusion and two screws to hold everything in place. No screws loose jokes please. They will be secure. General anesthesia, yay!

This scares the crap out of me and I'm having good days and bad. I just want it to be over.

I have all my prescriptions filled-- seven total--and am finishing the set up in the downstairs room I'll be sleeping in for awhile. My crutches are out and my knee cart will be ready to go. I am thankful I know how to use both and hope I won't slip on my crutches this time.

A couple of extra notes. I worked to help set up the Fair Oaks Hospital Child Care Center and worked there for several years. I'm looking forward to going back and wondering if I'll know anyone.

I would also ask if you know how to say The Hail Mary you do so daily for my recovery. Our pastor asks us to do that for him and I figure if he can so can I. If you don't know The Hail Mary, just send your good vibrations. I believe in the power of prayer!
